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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates
Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information.
The Town of Sullivan's Island seeks a fqualified building contractor to perform removal and replacement of all porch decking and stair treads at Sullivans Island Town Hall, located at 2056 Middle Street, Sullivan's Island, SC. Proposals are due no later than Friday, April 18, 2025 at 1: p.m. Official contact is Joe Henderson Jhenderson@sullivansisland.sc.gov
Located at 2058 Middle St, the J. Marshall Stith Park is named for our own Marshall Stith who served as Mayor to the Town from June 1997 – June 2005. There are a multitude of aspects to the park that make it an exceptional space for recreation play, leisure and entertainment. The park is rich in history due to the old artillery mound located on-site as well as the Town's iconic Gazebo. Given the parks accessibility and usability, it is crucial that the space continues to serve its citizens over time.
Council has recently tasked Thomas and Hutton with exploring additional recreation concepts for the Stith Park Master Plan which could further enhance the Park experience. The Recreation Committee will be presented with Thomas and Hutton's Draft Masterplan on August 23, 2024. More information can be found on the Project Page.
Date Advertised - March 28, 2024
The Town of Sullivan's Island seeks a qualified sitework contractor to perform minor trail construction, path clearing and minor grading for Phase II of the Sullivan’s Island Nature Trail. The trail is intended to provide a public, non-motorized, pedestrian access between the National Park Service’s Fort Moultrie property and the Sullivan’s Island Lighthouse property (Map link). This project is partially funded through a 2023 South Carolina Parks, Recreation, Tourism (SCPRT) Grant, administered by way of their 2023 Recreational Trails Program. View the full scope of the project and related documents by clicking here.
Date Advertised - April 5, 2024
Bids accepted for boardwalk work involving approximately 1,000 square feet of new boardwalk conditions between Station 16 & Station 18 1/2. Bid documents will be made available online after 1:00 pm on April 10, 2024 via www.anedigital.com. Mandatory pre-bid conference begins at 9:00am on April 17, 2024 at Station 18 1/2 beach access on Sullivan's Island. Sealed bids will be received until and publicly opened at 1:00pm on April 26, 2024 at Town Hall located at 2056 Middle Street. Performance and payment bonding will be required for the awarded contracts. For questions please email Agency Project Coordinator Joe Henderson at jhenderson@sullivansisland.sc.gov.
Click here to view the bid management page at the A+E Digital website.
The Town of Sullivan's Island is pleased to announce that Council has selected IPW Construction Group, LLC to perform the renovations for the Cove Inlet Bridge Project. You may review the notice of award by clicking here.
In compliance with the Owners’ Procurement Code, the Town of Sullivan’s Island is soliciting bids from qualified contractors for the renovation of the Cove Inlet Bridge. The proposed development consists of stabilization of eroded slopes through the installation of an Envirolok retaining wall system. The project also includes the construction of a pervious path to improve pedestrian safety, reinforcement of concrete structure to improve stability and a variety of native plantings to enhance the user experience. For questions please reach out to Joe Henderson at (843) 883-5731 or at jhenderson@sullivansisland.sc.gov.
Over the last few decades, a dense tangle of vegetation has cropped up around and over the historic structure. The Town is pleased to announce that YardWorks has been selected to perform the vegetation management of Battery Logan. Please see below for Images and additional documents.
View the Project Page here.
Date Advertised - February 29, 2024
The Town of Sullivan's Island seeks a qualified building contractor to perform interior demolition and cleaning of an approximately 5,550 square feet structure located at 1610 Middle Street, Sullivan's Island, SC. General scope of work includes the contractor furnishing all labor, equipment and supervision to remove and dispose of the building's interior components.
The Town of Sullivan’s Island project selection committee is pleased to announce that the contract to perform the interior demolition at 1610 Middle Street (Old Town Hall facility) has been awarded to IPW Construction Group, LLC.
This Request for Proposals (RFP) invites responses from qualified, experienced professional historic preservation consultants to update the Town’s historic resources survey. The project is funded, in part, by a grant from the National Park Service, administered by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History (SCDAH). An update of the Town of Sullivan’s Island Historic Resources Survey is essential in maintaining the Town’s Historic Preservation Overlay District, which is designed to protect properties that have been deemed architecturally, archaeology, culturally or historically significant to the Island. The purpose of this project is to complete a comprehensive Town-wide survey of existing designated historic properties (within and outside of existing historic districts); review of all previous historic survey work; and evaluate existing non-designated properties for potential inclusion in the Historic Preservation Overlay District (HPOD). See enclosed Zoning Ordinance Article XI.
Click here to view and print the Request For Proposal package. Contact Pam Otto potto@sullivansisland.sc.gov for questions regarding this project. Questions must be submitted via email. The deadline for written questions is Thursday, September 22, 2022, 11:00 AM.
Date Advertised- November 7, 2023
The Town of Sullivan’s Island is soliciting proposals from qualified consulting firms specializing in historic preservation, historic preservation architecture or related field to assist in developing Historic District Design Guidelines for the Town’s local and National Register Historic Districts, historic resources included within the Historic Preservation Overlay District (HPOD) and new infill construction or additions within historic districts. These design guidelines are designed to protect properties that have been determined to be architecturally, archaeology, culturally or historically significant to the Town of Sullivan’s Island.
The Town of Sullivan’s Island has selected a team of qualified consultants led by Weston & Sampson to prepare a Sea Level Rise Adaptation & Resilience Plan that aligns with the goals and objectives of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan; regional and statewide planning efforts; the Town’s Stormwater Master Plan (currently underway) and ongoing federally funded grant projects to reduce climate vulnerability for years to come. The Plan will produce clear strategies to identify, assess and plan for potential impacts of sea level rise and other environmental hazards, which will serve as a framework for guiding local investments in flood mitigation projects and policies.
Date Advertised- August 16, 2024
In compliance with the Owners’ Procurement Code, the Town of Sullivan’s Island is soliciting bids from qualified contractors for beach and dune restoration along the eastern shoreline of Sullivan’s Island. Deadline for Questions – 2:00pm, Eastern Time, Tuesday Aug 27, 2024. Bidders should send questions regarding this Request for Bid to Steven Traynum, Project Manager at Coastal Science & Engineering, in writing or email to straynum@coastalscience.com. Questions received before this deadline will be answered via addendum posted on the Town’s website. Questions received after this deadline will not be answered.