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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Sign up for Everbridge, the Town’s Emergency Notification System, to receive emergency texts and emails, and the Town's Monthly Newsletter to stay up to date on all of Town's meetings, projects and special events. 


Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

Building Department

The Sullivan's Island Building Department is located in the Administrative section of Town Hall. This department handles all matters related to construction and the issuance of related licenses and permits, performs building related inspections and handles the Town’s code enforcement. 

Building permits are required by law for any repair or improvements to a residential or business property. The Building Department issues a variety of permits related to demolition, renovation, construction or improvements as well as tree trimming, pruning and removal. Rule of Thumb, If you don't know contact the Building Official at 843-883-5732!

How do I apply for a Building Permit or request and inspection? 

Click here to apply for a building permit

All permit applications and inspections must be submitted through our BS&A online portal. You may also view our step-by-step Permit Application Instructions (PDF). First time users must link their new accounts through the permit technician by calling 843-883-5727.  Business License requests must be made online as well. 

Requirements for Certificate of Occupancy and Certificate of Completion

Upon applying for a Building Permit for new construction and improvements projects the permit applicant will receive an email with a copy of the Sullivan’s Island Contractor Ordinance § 5-12 and requirements in order to receive a Certificate of Occupancy and Certificate of Completion. All applicable forms and documents must be submitted to the Building Department prior to requesting final building or zoning inspections or requests for Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Completion.

Click here to review all requirements for Certificate of Occupancy and Certificate of Completion (PDF).

Construction Hours

Working hours on Sullivan's Island are Monday through Friday 8:00am to 6:00pm and Saturday from 10:00am to 4:00pm. No work will be allowed on Sundays or the following holidays: 

  • New Year’s Day- January 1st
  • Memorial Day- Last Monday in May
  • Independence Day- July 4th
  • Labor Day- First Monday in September
  • Thanksgiving Day- Fourth Thursday in November
  • Christmas Day- December 25th 

Please Note: These construction hours apply to all contractors, sub-contractors, landscapers, suppliers and vendors.

Sullivan's Island is in a Flood Zone!

 Sullivan's Island is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program.  All homes that have a Mortgage are required to purchase flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program. Any questions concerning the flood program should be directed to the Building Official at 843-883-5732. Any person or any real-estate agent assisting a buyer or seller in purchasing a home or lot on Sullivan’s Island is strongly advised to first contact the Building Official before purchasing the property. Flood related information concerning that property might be beneficial. Example: If a previous property owner has received a building permit to improve the structure within a three year period you may not be able to do improvements that you envisioned when you purchased the property. Visit our Floodplain Management page for more information and regulations. 

Further Information