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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates
Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information.
All tickets Issued by the Police Department and Code Enforcement are handled through the Town’s Municipal Court. Municipal Court is held the first two Tuesdays at 3:00 PM at Town Hall presided by the Honorable Judge Francis Cornely. The Municipal Court office is open from 8:00 AM. to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday.
Those who do not wish to appear in court may pay the full fine indicated on the ticket at Town Hall. All fines are due prior to the commencement of court on the assigned court date indicated on your ticket. Failure to pay will be pursued as indicated within the law. Continuances may be requested by submitting the Request for a Continuance form (PDF). No continuances will be accepted within 24 hours of the scheduled court date. Any requests regarding dispositions, ticket copies or Freedom of Information Act may be subject to court fees.
Location and Time of Court:
Sullivan's Island Municipal Court is held on the first two Tuesdays of every month at 3:00 p.m. The Municipal Courtroom is located in Town Hall at 2056 Middle Street on Sullivan's Island. Your citation or summons will have your specific court date on it written by the officer. Street parking is available along Middle Street adjacent to Stith Park. Additionally, you may park in the public lot located at Battery Thompson located at the cross streets of I'On Ave and Station 21 1/2 Street.
Rules of the Court:
Proper attire is required at court. It is appropriate to dress respectfully to appear before the Judge. Do not wear beach or resort wear, shorts, tank tops or beach sandals. Additionally, do not bring cell phones, drink or food in the courtroom.
Contesting a Parking Citation:
If you wish to contest a parking citation you must do so within ten days of the issue date. Click here to fill out the necessary form and email or mail it to the Clerk of Court to set up a court date. You may also call the Clerk of Court at 843-883-5734.
Requesting a Jury Trial:
Any person who receives a uniform traffic ticket or Town ordinance violation has the right to request a jury trial. Sullivan's Island Municipal Court holds jury trials twice per year. Trials are held in the spring and fall.
The Right to Appeal:
If you feel the outcome of your hearing was not satisfactory, you have 10 days from the date of your hearing or judgement to appeal the case. Sullivan's Island Municipal Court is within Charleston County, therefore all appeals must be filed with the Charleston County Clerk of Court.
Please note: Sullivan’s Island Municipal Court staff, Judges or Town Staff cannot assist you in completing this form. If you have any questions or require legal advice, please contact an attorney.
Why did I get a jury summons?
Each district court randomly selects citizens' names from lists of registered voters and people with drivers’ licenses who live in that district. Due to Sullivan’s Island being a small community the chances of being selected or selected more often are greater.
I received a summons last year. Do I have to appear again?
If you were selected to sit for a trial within the last year, then no. You may call the Clerk of court to let them know that you sat for a hearing in the last year. If you received a jury summons but were not selected to hear a trial, then yes you will be required to follow the summons guidelines.
I received a jury summons but cannot attend. What should I do?
If you cannot or feel as though you cannot attend jury selection or sit for a trial, you must contact the Clerk of Court and provide a statement with proof. Examples: If you are going to be out of town, we ask for a form of travel itinerary to show those dates being prescheduled. If you are ill or feel you cannot sit for a case, we require a doctor or professional statement letting the court know you are unable or not fit to be a juror. If you are over the age of 65 you have the right to decline the duty of being a juror. If that is the case, you may call the clerk of courts office and request to be removed.
How do I prepare?
Please watch this short video as an overview of jury service and what to expect if called for jury duty. Click here to view on YouTube.
Find additional jury service resources by clicking here.