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Please sign up for the Town’s newsletter to stay up to date on all Town meetings, projects and special events. Click here to sign up today!  To view the December Sullivan’s Island Newsletter click here.


Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project.

Historic District Design Guidelines

Date Advertised- November 7, 2023

Project Summary

The Town of Sullivan’s Island is soliciting proposals from qualified consulting firms specializing in historic preservation, historic preservation architecture or related field to assist in developing Historic District Design Guidelines for the Town’s local and National Register Historic Districts, historic resources included within the Historic Preservation Overlay District (HPOD) and new infill construction or additions within historic districts. These design guidelines are designed to protect properties that have been determined to be architecturally, archaeology, culturally or historically significant to the Town of Sullivan’s Island.

Open House & Town Council Presentations

Open House- January 21, 2025- 5:00 pm - 6:00pm

Please join the Town of Sullivan’s Island and Thomason and Associates for an Open House January 21, 2024 prior to the regular Town Council meeting. 

Project Documents