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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates
Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information.
The Town of Sullivan's Island is pleased to announce that Council has selected IPW Construction Group, LLC to perform the renovations for the Cove Inlet Bridge Project. You may review the notice of award by clicking here.
Project Documents
Project Proposals
Town Responsibilities
Submittal of Statements of Proposals
The Town of Sullivan’s Island is hereby issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to firms that have the capability and interest in undertaking and performing the scope of work described in this RFP. The RFP will be publicly advertised in accordance with the Town’s procurement guidelines.
The OFFICIAL CONTACT for this solicitation is:
Joe Henderson
Town Administrator
(843) 883-5731
Each firm responding to this solicitation is officially a RESPONDENT. Each respondent must submit a sealed package containing one (1) hard copy plus one (1) digital (emailed) copy of its statement of Proposals to the address above no later than Friday, September 20, 2024 at 10:00 AM. Statements of Proposals may be submitted in person, by messenger, or by regular mail. All submissions will be logged in and date and time stamped.
Any Proposals package that is received after the date and time specified will be logged and date and time stamped as "late" and returned unopened to the respondent.
Proposed Procurement Timeline
August 19, 2024 |
Onsite Visit at Cove Inlet Bridge Site |
August 23, 2024, 10:00 a.m. |
Final Date to Receive Written Questions/Clarifications |
August 26, 2024, 5:00 p.m. |
RFP Closing Date |
September 20, 2024, 1:00 p.m. |
Selection of Bid |
Execution of Contract with Consultant |
Labeling of Submissions
All submissions must be submitted in a sealed envelope or package plainly marked "Town of Sullivan’s Island - Cove Inlet Bridge Renovation, Attn: Joe Henderson” with the name and address of the respondent in the upper left-hand corner. No responsibility will attach to the Town of Sullivan’s Island or any official or employee thereof, for the pre-opening, post opening, or failure to open a submission not properly addressed and identified.
Proprietary/Confidential Information
All materials and written Proposals submitted pursuant to this RFP shall become the property of the Town of Sullivan’s Island and will not be returned. All respondents must visibly mark as "CONFIDENTIAL" each part of their submission that they consider to contain proprietary information the release of which would constitute an unreasonable invasion of privacy. All unmarked pages will be subject to release in accordance with law. Marked pages will not be disclosed if they are deemed to meet the requirements under the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, S.C. Code Section 30-4-10, et seq. Respondents should be prepared, upon request, to provide justification of why such materials should not be disclosed in accordance with the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act.
Questions/Requests for Clarification
All questions and/or requests for clarification regarding this RFP should be provided in writing to Joe Henderson no later than August 26, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. All questions submitted and their answers will be posted on the Town of Sullivan’s Island website as an addendum to this RFP. No telephone inquiries will be accepted.
If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, a written addendum will be issued. All addenda issued by Town of Sullivan’s Island will become part of the official RFP and will be posted on the Town of Sullivan’s Island website link. Receipt of all addenda must be acknowledged in the response to this RFP.
Contact Policy
No direct or indirect contact regarding this solicitation may be made with any representatives of the Town of Sullivan’s Island other than the official contact identified in this RFP. If such contact is made, the Town of Sullivan’s Island reserves the right to reject a submission by that respondent. All questions and/or requests for clarification must be provided in accordance with the Questions/Requests for Clarification section. This contact policy applies to site visits and requests for technical information. Any technical information needed from the Town of Sullivan’s Island to prepare a submission should be coordinated through the Questions/Requests for Clarification process outlined above.
Acceptance and Rejection of Submissions
Any submissions that do not conform to the essential requirements of the RFP shall be rejected. The Town of Sullivan’s Island reserves the right to waive informalities and minor irregularities in submittals and reserves the sole right to determine what constitutes informalities and minor irregularities. The Town of Sullivan’s Island also reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submissions received in response to this RFP. The Town of Sullivan’s Island is not obligated to enter into any contract on the basis of any submittal in response to this RFP. The Town of Sullivan’s Island reserves the right to request additional information from any firm submitting under this RFP if such information is necessary to clarify the submission.
The Town of Sullivan’s Island may cancel this RFP in whole or in part at any time if it is determined to be in the best interest of the Town of Sullivan’s Island. The Town of Sullivan’s Island may reject any or all submissions in whole or in part if it is determined to be in the best interest of the Town of Sullivan’s Island.
Conflict of Interest
Respondents shall promptly notify the Town of Sullivan’s Island in writing of all potential conflicts of interest for any prospective business association, interest, or other circumstance, which may influence or appear to influence the respondent's judgment or quality of services being provided hereunder. Such written notification shall identify the prospective business association, interest, or circumstance, the nature of work that such a person may undertake, and request an opinion of the Town of Sullivan’s Island as to whether the association, interest, or circumstance would, in the opinion of the Town of Sullivan’s Island, constitute a conflict of interest. By responding to this solicitation, the respondent certifies that it has no conflict of interest with any employee, agent, elected official or officer of the Town of Sullivan’s Island or any other conflict as may be set forth herein.
More than one submission from an individual, firm partnership, corporation, association or related parties under the same or different names will not be considered. If the Town of Sullivan’s Island believes that collusion exists among respondents, all submissions from the suspected firms will be rejected. "Related parties" means respondents or the principals thereof, which have a direct or indirect relationship or profit-sharing interest in another respondent.
Respondents shall comply with all local, state, and federal directives, orders, and laws applicable to this RFP and any resulting contract.
By responding to this RFP, respondents certify that the response is made without previous understanding, agreement, or connection with any person, firm or corporation making a submission for the same item, and they certify the knowledge that this would constitute an illegal action.
Respondents interested in providing the services outlined in this RFP must prepare and submit a statement of Proposals that must not be more than the equivalent of ten (10) single sided 8 ½ by 11-inch pages in length (not counting the front and back covers, section dividers that contain no information, and any required forms). The submission must include the following, in the order listed:
Cover Letter
The response should contain a cover letter signed by a person who is authorized to commit the respondent to perform the work described in this RFP and should identify all subcontractors, materials, and enclosures being forwarded in response to the RFP.
Relevant Experience
At a minimum, successful submittals shall demonstrate experience and technical competence with the requirements outlined in the above scope of work. Provide descriptions of similar demolition or remediation projects that your organization and/or key personnel have completed, including tasks involved, timeframes, and outcomes. Also include any relevant work performed in a nearby jurisdiction and how this experience relates to the development of the Scope of Work outlined in Section III.
Selection Committee
The Town of Sullivan’s Island will conduct a selection process to determine the most qualified respondent at the least cost. This process may include the formation of a staff selection committee and the appointment of other Town Council members and technical advisors as needed to review all the submissions and score them based on the established selection criteria outlined herein. The award will be made to the highest rated and ranked respondent based on the cumulative scores of the selection committee.
The Town of Sullivan’s Island reserves the right to contact a firm to obtain written clarification of information submitted and to contact references to obtain information regarding performance, reliability, and integrity. After evaluating the submitted Statements of Proposals, the staff selection committee may choose to interview a short list of firms prior to ranking the respondents. If interviews will be conducted, short-listed respondents will be notified at least ten (10) business days prior to the interview date.
Notice of Intent to Award
The selection committee’s recommendation for award will be presented to the Sullivan’s Island Town Council for consideration. If approved, a notice of “Intent to Award” will be posted on the Town of Sullivan’s Island website. A notice will also be emailed to all respondents informing them of the committee’s recommendation and posing on the Town’s website.
Protested Solicitations and Awards
Any respondent who is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or award of a contract may protest according to the procedures in the Town of Sullivan’s Island’s procurement policy, Section 37.06.
Contract Negotiations/ Award of Contract
After the close of the appeal period, if no appeals were received or successfully granted, the highest rated respondent identified by the selection committee and approved by Town Council will be invited to enter contract negotiations with Town of Sullivan’s Island to finalize the scope of work, personnel, hours, hourly rates, use of sub-consultants, and other direct costs that will be required to complete the agreement between the Town of Sullivan’s Island and the selected respondent. If an agreement cannot be reached with the top ranked firm, the Town of Sullivan’s Island will select the next highest ranked responsive and qualified firm and the negotiation phase will be repeated. This process will continue until an agreement is reached with a qualified firm that can provide the required scope of services within the project budget. Any contracts awarded as a result of this procurement process will be between the respondent and the Town of Sullivan’s Island.
Once a draft contract is negotiated, the Town of Sullivan’s Island and the selected respondent may enter into the contract. Failure to adhere to this policy could result in disallowed grant costs and the cancellation of this solicitation.
Each proposal will have an opportunity to receive up to 100 points with the highest aggregated score winning the project award. The selection criteria and their relative importance in making the selection are:
Project Understanding and Approach (25 points)
Logistical understanding, technical expertise and competence, and years of experience of individuals who will be assigned to this project.
Related Experience on Similar Projects (25 points)
Extent of relevant experience with similar projects. Outline how the Sullivan’s Island project will be conducted and the similarities to previous projects.
Project Schedule and Budget (25 points)
Performance recommendations regarding work quality, schedule, budget (cost), communication and coordination of projects.
Recent, Current, and Projected Workload (25 points)
Workload of the contractor and key personnel and how it might impact the respondent’s ability to meet the project’s schedule requirements. Please provide a project timeline estimating the time required for project milestones and completion of the project.
If awarded a contract, the winning bidder should be prepared to comply with the following:
The following terms and conditions will be incorporated into the contract for this work:
Termination for Cause and Convenience
The contract may be terminated in whole or in part as follows:
Administrative, Contractual, and Legal Remedies
In addition to any of the remedies described elsewhere in the contract, if the contractor materially fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this contract, including any federal or state statutes, rules or regulations, applicable to this contract, the Grantee may take one or more of the following actions:
Equal Opportunity Clause
During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows:
Attachment A- Town of Sullivan's Island Non- Collusion Oath (PDF)
Attachment B- Understanding of RFP Procedure, Terms and Conditions (PDF)