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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates
Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project.
Open House- October 7, 2024- 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Council Presentation- 6:15 p.m.
Please join the Town of Sullivan’s Island and Seamon Whiteside Associates for an open house and Town Council presentation of the Island’s Stormwater Master Plan.
Town staff and the Town’s engineering consultants will be on hand to answer any questions on stormwater issues and discuss the various elements of the Stormwater Master Plan, along with an overview of various Island-wide stormwater improvements (SCIIP grant). We look forward to hearing your input!
The Town of Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina requests proposals from qualified consulting firms for a comprehensive island-wide stormwater master plan; formal report of the existing drainage system; and, a prioritized list of drainage infrastructure improvements. The scope of work below requires the consultant to provide all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision necessary to perform the services as detailed. The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) is to solicit proposals from various consultants detailing their skills and experience, to solicit a detailed and extensive project evaluation based on criteria listed herein, and to select the candidate who can best meet the needs of the Town.
Questions regarding the proposal should be directed in writing to Joe Henderson at jhenderson@sullivansisland.sc.gov. For all firms to have the benefit of the Town’s information, no answers will be provided until the question submittal deadline of March 3, 2023. The full Proposal Process can be viewed by clicking the link below. View the full scope of the project here.
Pending and Potential Stormwater Improvement Project Map
Click on the image below for an interactive map of pending and potential stormwater improvement projects. For the non-interactive PDF version please click here.
The Town of Sullivan’s Island is issuing this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a qualified civil engineering firm to provide a full range of engineering services to improve the functionality and capacity of stormwater drainage in four separate service areas of the Island: Station 16, Station 25, Station 28.5 and Station 31 watersheds. The project’s proposed scope and construction activities generally consist of increasing conveyance for stormwater main lines, making ancillary improvements to lateral lines, and incorporating tidal backflow prevention and manufactured treatment devices (MTD) at each outfall. A more detailed project description is noted in the SCIIP Application awarded by the South Carolina Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA) through the South Carolina Infrastructure Investment Program (SCIIP); Grant #A-23-C188 and RIA State Grant #S-23-C188.
Questions regarding the proposal should be directed in writing to Joe Henderson at jhenderson@sullivansisland.sc.gov. The full Proposal Process can be viewed by clicking the link below.
The Town of Sullivan’s Island proposes to construct drainage improvements in two priority sub-basins:
The drainage improvements are intended to provide drainage and alleviate flooding including reoccurring structural flooding with the basins. The improvements will include installing new pipes, inlets, swales, stormwater pump stations, and structures while re-establishing existing open channels and swales where possible.
Project Total $5,829,214.00
Project Documents
The Town of Sullivan's Island proposes to complete the design and implementation of the stormwater drainage outfalls improvements at Station 18.5 Street and Station 25 Street because of high-volume coastal flooding and rainfall events. The Town will complete Phase 1 of the project, which consists of the non-construction activities necessary to plan, survey, engineer, design and permit the proposed project.
Phase 1 Deliverables should include:
Project Documents