Floodplain Info
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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates
Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information.
Any building or development work in the Town may require a permit prior to beginning even during emergency repairs. The Building Official must ensure that the work will comply with applicable codes, not aggravate the effects of flooding, and minimize the potential for flood damage to structures. This includes all additions, repairs, remodeling, pouring concrete, excavation, dredging, filling, dumping, bulkheading, driving of piles, clearing, fences, etc (not just the construction of a building).
Please visit the Building Department webpage to see further regulations or apply for a building permit online. If you see any development on the Island without a permit, you may contact Town Hall at 843-883-5727 or the Charleston Consolidated Dispatch at 843-743-7200.