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Sign up for Everbridge, the Town’s Emergency Notification System, to receive emergency texts and emails, and the Town's Monthly Newsletter to stay up to date on all of Town's meetings, projects and special events. 


Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

Flood Safety Tips

In the event that you experience flooding, please take the following precautions to prevent further damage to your property and potential harm to yourself or your loved ones. Remember, if you are in an emergency situation dial 9-1-1.

  • Do not walk through flowing water. Drowning is the #1 cause of flood deaths. Like an undertow in the ocean, currents in flood waters can be deceptive. Six inches of moving water could knock you off of your feet. 
  • If you must walk through standing water, make sure you use a pole continuously to monitor the depth and velocity of the water. 
  • Do not drive through a flood area. If you encounter flood waters ahead, turn around, don't drown. When water rushes over a street it can hide dips, debris and where roads may be washed out.
  • Stay away from downed power lines. Downed power lines are dangerous and could cause death. For safety's sake, always assume a downed power line is live. Never touch it. Report it to Dominion Energy or Town Hall at 843-883-3198. If you are unable to report the downed power line through technology, flag down the a first responder immediately!
  • Once first responders have determined the threat to human safety has passed, property owners will be allowed to return to their property. You will be required to have a resident sticker and must provide residency verification in the form of a South Carolina Driver's License with your Sullivan's Island address on it, or a copy of the deed, upon re-entry to the Island. You may obtain a resident sticker at Town Hall.
  • Look before you step. After a flood, the ground and floors may be covered with dangerous debris, including broken glass and shards of metal. Surfaces covered with beach sand can be very slippery. 
  • Be on high alert for electrical hazards inside and outside of your home. Some appliances, such as televisions and power tools can keep an electrical charge even after being unplugged. Do not use appliances or motors that have gotten wet until they have been inspected and passed by a qualified electrical technician. 
  • Check your propane tanks and hazardous materials for damage. Do not smoke, use an open flame or anything that can cause a spark until the area has been cleared. Use a flashlight to inspect and turn off the tanks or source of the hazard and ventilate the area.