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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

A Message from the Administrator

Fri, 08/02/2019

Andy Benke

Good morning Island residents,

The weekend is upon us but the weather forecast calls for intermittent rain. Nevertheless, any day on Sullivan’s Island, rain or shine, is a good day. 

Sullivan’s Island Farmers’ Market
The Farmers’ Market concluded another successful season earlier this summer.  Council would appreciate your feedback on the event.  Please follow the link provided and complete the survey.  Your feedback will assist the Town in planning subsequent markets. The Farmers’ Market survey can be found at

Town Website
The Town has activated its updated website page. I hope you find it easier to read and more informative.  Kudos to Mary Poole in Town Hall who did all of the heavy lifting on this project.  The website address is slightly different from the old location.  Please go to  Also do not forget to follow the Town on Facebook, Twitter and Nixle.

Dominion Energy Power Line Trimming and Pruning
Dominion Energy continues to trim and prune tree limbs and branches around the power distribution lines. The project is expected to continue on Sullivan’s Island for most of August before moving on to the Isle of Palms. As a general guideline, OSHA and utility cutting standards create a distance of 10’ x 10’ x 20’ x 10’ combined with ANSI A-300 arborist utility standards for the health of the tree in order to determine placement of cuts.   If you would like to meet with the Dominion Energy forester/arborist prior to work adjacent to your property contact Mark Branham at or Clay Chaplin at

Dominion is responsible and obligated to the South Carolina Public Service Commission to provide reliable delivery of power to its customers. Tree pruning is performed approximately every 5 years with the last visit to the Island in 2014.  While the Town has no regulatory authority over the utility, the Mayor, Council member Smith and I, along with a similar contingent from the Isle of Palms, did meet with Dominion Energy officials to explain our concern.  The utility did pledge to exercise caution and care in the pruning of Island trees.

On Wednesday August 7, 2019 from 5-7 PM, Dominion Energy will host an informative drop-in workshop at the Isle of Palms Recreation Center located at 24 28th Avenue.  Representatives from Dominion Energy as well as the contractors performing the work will be on hand to answer questions and discuss safety, reliability, proper pruning methods.

Traffic Detour at Middle Street and Station 20 ½ Street

The wastewater collection line installation project which crosses Middle Street at Station 20 ½ Street is anticipated to complete on schedule by 5pm Wednesday August 14, 2019 weather permitting.  Your patience during this crucial project is appreciated. If you have any questions about the project contact Greg Gress at 843-883-5748 or Andy Benke at 843-883-5726.

Hurricane Season

This week saw a small amount of activity in the tropics consistent with this time of the year.  One system near the northwestern Bahamas will remain a weak low pressure area and will be responsible for our rainy weekend.  No development is expected from this system.  Another area of interest is a low pressure system in the general area of 11’N 46’W or several hundred miles southeast of the Lesser Antilles currently generating widespread disorganized showers. Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center anticipate slow development of this system with the potential of a tropical depression early next week as the system approaches the Leeward Islands Tuesday and Wednesday. There is a 40 percent chance of formation through the next 120 hours.

Now is the time to be finalizing your personal hurricane plan.  If you are new to littoral living, staff members at Town Hall can provide plan information.  Remember to obtain a windshield decal for your vehicle. Likewise, you may visit the Charleston County website at for guidance.

In the event it becomes necessary to activate the Town for storm preparation, you may receive information at the Town website, Town Facebook page and/or follow the Town on Twitter. 

Upcoming Town Meetings for Next Week

  • Monday August 5 6pm – Special Meeting Town Council
  • Monday August 5 6pm – Town Council Workshop
  • Thursday August 8 6pm – Board of Zoning Appeals
  • For a complete list of all meetings in August visit the Town website

Household Garbage and Yard Debris Collection

  • The month of August and first week of September will be the final period of household garbage collected twice per week.  Thereafter collection returns to every Tuesday.
  • Household trash bins should be street-side not later than 7am.
  • Yard debris collection placed street-side by the property owner is collected every Wednesday. Yard contractors must haul their own debris off of the Island.
  • Limbs may not be longer than 4 feet in length or greater than 4 inches in diameter.
  • Loose debris such as leaves, small limbs, palm tree boots and the like must be in paper bags. 
  • The land fill will not accept hazardous materials, paints, televisions, etc.  White and bulky goods will be collected but it is advisable to coordinate with Kate Stith at Town Hall 843-883-5743.

Police Department

Chief Griffin reminds residents that while the Island is a safe place to live,  always secure your property inclusive of removing valuables from your vehicle, locking the vehicle and locking your home.

In the event you see something suspicious telephone for an officer.  The non-emergency number for Charleston County Consolidated Dispatch is 843-743-7200 or in the event of an emergency dial 9-1-1.

Enjoy the weekend.


Andy Benke

Town Administrator
Town of Sullivan's Island
Post Office Box 427
Sullivan's Island, SC  29482
Direct Telephone: 843-883-5726
Facsimile: 843-883-3009
Emergency: 9-1-1
Police and Fire Dispatcher: 843-743-7200
Email address:
Web address: