Floodplain Info
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Sign up for Everbridge, the Town’s Emergency Notification System, to receive emergency texts and emails, and the Town's Monthly Newsletter to stay up to date on all of Town's meetings, projects and special events.
Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates
Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information.
Inspections during the construction process are performed to regulate all construction and maintenance of building so that they are safe and sanitary. The Building Official and the Building Inspector perform building, zoning, flood and other code enforcement work to ensure the compliance of building and properties with all South Carolina Building Codes as well as local Town Codes and Ordinances and regulations.
All permit applications and inspections must be submitted through our BS&A online portal. You may also view our step-by-step Permit Application Instructions (PDF). First time users must link their new accounts through the permit technician by calling 843-883-5727. Business Licenses requests must be made online as well. Please note: all water and sewer inspections are requested through the Water Department.