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Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. 

Committees of Council

In accordance with the Town Codes and Ordinances, Town Council shall have seven Committees of Council. Each committee will have a unique focus on issues facing the Town.

Each committee will be comprised of 3 council members, with the exception of the Finance Committee which includes the entire Town Council. Committees and their Chairman are selected at an annual Town Council meeting by a majority rule. The standing committees of Council are as follows and lists the current appointments:

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is referred all matters connected with Town finances, taxes and licenses, Additionally, this committee shall prepare and submit an annual operating budget and capital improvement program to Council for its consideration and approval.

Current committee members are Council as a whole with Scott Millimet serving as the Chair and Patrick M O'Neil serving as Vice- Chair.

Public Safety Committee

The Public Safety Committee is referred all matters relating to the police and fire departments, and other matters regarding emergency preparedness.

Current committee members are Patrick M. O'Neil (Chair), Carl Hubbard and Scott Millimet.

Water and Sewer Committee

The Water and Sewer Committee is referred all matters relating to the water and sewer department and systems.

Current committee members are Justin Novak (Chair), Jody Latham and Gary Visser. 

Administration Committee

The Administration Committee is referred all matters relating to the oversight of implementation of the following Town administrative functions: personnel; licensing; Town Attorney; court; rules; solicitations for Boards and Commissions; administrative infrastructure; communication and community outreach.

Current committee members are Jody Latham (Chair), Scott Millimet and Justin Novak.

Land Use and Natural Resources Committee

Also known as the LUNR Committee, the Land Use and Natural Resources Committee is referred all matters relating to the zoning and building ordinances and their implementation, and natural resources including Town-owned land.

Current committee members are Gary Visser (Chair), Carl Hubbard and Patrick M. O'Neil.

Public Facilities Committee

The Public Facilities Committee is referred all matters relating to construction, maintenance and improvements of streets, beach paths, and Town-owned buildings; sanitation service including trash and garbage; stormwater management; and energy and resource conservation program.

Current committee members are Carl Hubbard (Chair), Ned Higgins and Gary Visser

Recreation Committee

The Recreation Committee is referred all matters relating to the creation, expansion or improvement of facilities and programs in the area of parks and recreation; and community wellness programs.

Current committee members are Ned Higgins (Chair), Jody Latham and Justin Novak.