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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

Mayor's Greeting- October 2023

Thu, 10/19/2023

Mayor Pat O'Neil

Dear Island Neighbors,

I hope you are enjoying my favorite time of the year on the Island. Cooling temperatures, beautiful light, and our version of fall colors: the blooming spartina grass in the marsh going golden, along with the goldenrods on the shore and the mums in the stores!

Lots to cover this time, so here we go:

We now have posted job notices for two important positions. It’s a good news, bad news kind of thing.

GOOD NEWS: Council previously approved funding for a new position of Director of Resilience and Natural Resource Management. The Director’s primary responsibilities will include: a) Preservation, protection and management of Sullivan’s Island’s natural resources (maritime forest, accreted land, wetlands, greenspaces, rights of way) and b) Development and implementation of plans to increase the Island’s resilience in dealing with threats such as sea level rise, rain-related flooding, hurricanes and other extreme weather events, and earthquakes.

We have established a search process and the job posting is being disseminated very broadly among professionals who have expertise in relevant areas.

BAD NEWS: After 20+ years of stellar service to the Town, Andy Benke, our great Town Administrator, is succumbing to the lure of surfing, fishing, hunting and

traveling (and perhaps unforeseen Honey Do lists). Andy will be retiring in the near future. We know we will not find another Andy, but we have established a search process for a potential successor Town Administrator. We are working with the Municipal Association of South Carolina, which has much experience in finding and evaluating municipal administrators, to help us in this search. We will have more information forthcoming regarding both this search and our salute to Andy for his meritorious tenure as Town Administrator.

For job descriptions and more information on these positions please visit

Fire Chief Anthony Stith reminds us of the importance of October as Fire Safety Month. Check those smoke detectors, and your fire extinguishers!

Here are some other tips from our newly appointed SI Fire Department Training Officer Adam Ivan:

As noted last month, the Town has retained the firm of Thomas & Hutton to provide a master plan for enhancement and revitalization of Stith Park on Middle Street, next to Town Hall. A critical part of this process includes public meetings to solicit input from Islanders about how they would like to see the Park develop into an even more vibrant community gathering place.

The first of these informal “charette”-style meetings on September 21 was very well-attended by very engaged citizens. The information gathered from those participants will be incorporated into modified proposals for the park, which will be reviewed by the public at the second charette.

That second charette will be at 6:00 PM  on Thursday,  October 26, at Town Hall. Please come out to see what the evolving thoughts are, and more importantly, to provide your own input!

Of course, Halloween is right around the corner, Tuesday, October 31. Our great police department is all in on helping you and your candy extortionists to be safe on this enjoyable night.

One thing they are doing is again providing support to block off Officers’ Row (I’on Avenue between Stations 17 and 18) so that the street will be safe for trick-or-treating and visiting. Thanks to Chief of Police Chris Griffin and his officers for again providing this traditional fun opportunity.

And don’t hesitate to hit up the officers for treats at the street blockades. You might be surprised!

Here are some more important tips from Chief Griffin for a safe Halloween:


  • Brighten up: Give children a Halloween flashlight or glow stick, and put reflective materials on their sruff.
  • Look both ways: So simple, but to a child it’s not always intuitive. Tell your kids to look both ways before crossing the street and to use crosswalks when available.
  • Walk, don’t run: And stay on sidewalks when possible, or on the far edge of the road FACING TRAFFIC to stay safe.
  • Snacking: Children shouldn’t snack on treats from their goody bags while they’re out trick-or-treating. Don’t send them out on an empty stomach. Urge them to wait until they get home and let you inspect their loot before they eat any of it.
  • Kids should try to stay in small groups of immediate family with a responsible adult, or teen accompanying each group. At least one person in the group should carry a flashlight in case it begins to get dark.
  • Try to stay on well-lighted streets and do not go to homes that are not well lit.
  • Never enter a stranger’s house even if invited and never take a ride from a stranger.

Our Sullivan’s Island Police Department is sponsoring their 3rd Annual Christmas Bike Drive, benefitting Toys for Tots. Please donate one or many new bikes to this effort.

Last year, they collected 262 bikes. This year’s goal is 300 bikes.

Only new bikes can be accepted, either in the box or assembled. Helmets are also welcomed. Donated bikes can be dropped off at the Sullivan’s Island Police Department, located inside Town Hall at 2056 Middle St. during regular office hours, or shipped directly to the Police Department at that address. Questions? Contact Deputy Chief Glenn Meadows, who orchestrates the effort, at or cell (843-834-4298).

Let’s go people!  Those bikes aren’t going to buy themselves!!

See you around the Island!

Pat O’Neil
843 670 9266
Twitter: @oneilpm1