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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates
Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information.
Charleston Water System has confirmed a leak on the 24 inch water transmission line which runs across the harbor from James Island to Sullivan’s Island. Repairs cannot be completed until Friday 5-20-22 at the earliest. In an abundance of caution to prevent further damage to the pipe, Charleston Water System will feed Sullivan’s Island potable water via the recently installed pipeline to Mt. Pleasant. While hydrology models indicate sustained pressure of at least 50 psi is possible, in practice this is the first water reversal from the Mt. Pleasant line. You may experience pressure levels lower than the usual 80 psi supplied by the harbor line. Water quality will remain unchanged and safe to drink throughout the repair process.
Town staff will send repair updates as available; however, do not hesitate to contact Town Hall if you have any questions.
Andy Benke
Town Administrator
Town of Sullivan's Island