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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

Labor Day Message from the Administrator

Fri, 09/03/2021

labor day

As we enter the last holiday weekend of the summer season I wanted to pass along a few noteworthy items.

Hurricane Season

  • September is the peak and most active part of hurricane season in the South Atlantic.  Trust everyone has seen the devastation from Hurricane Ida. Hurricane Hugo left Sullivan’s Island much like Ida in Louisiana. BE SURE TO TAKE WARNINGS SERIOUSLY. Keep an eye on the Weather Channel every day until October.
  • Current storm activity:
    • Hurricane Larry is located at 14.8N 40.7W with maximum sustained winds at 90mph.  National Hurricane Center forecasters indicate Larry will continue to gain strength and become a monster storm. Fortunately the models are in agreement that Hurricane Larry will stay far out to sea and miss North America entirely.  Nevertheless, there will be large swells arriving Wednesday through Friday with the potential for strong rip currents.  Exercise caution when entering the ocean.
    • Invest 91 will drift into the Bay of Campeche by early next week. Today’s models do not indicate any significant changes in strength. Impacted areas look to only be Central America at this time.
    • This time of year if a camel in the Western Sahirah gets the hiccups a system will spin off the continent near Cabo Verde. Stay vigilant next week as there are currently a few thunderstorms and low pressure systems in that area.

Labor Day Weekend

  • Conditions are forecast to be sunny with highs in the mid-80s for the long weekend. It is anticipated that perfect conditions for the beach on last weekend of summer will draw large crowds.  Remember to plan your trips on and off of the Island with traffic in mind. Typically inbound traffic becomes congested around 10am and relaxes somewhat by Noon.  Outbound traffic will be heavy beginning around 4pm and not relax until after 7pm.  The Ben Sawyer Bridge will open on the hour for vessel traffic.
  • The Sullivan’s Island Police Department and Fire Department will be standing by at the ready to assist residents and visitors. For emergency always contact Charleston County Consolidated Dispatch by dialing 9-1-1. For non-emergency assistance contact Charleston County Consolidated Dispatch by  dialing 843-743-7200.

Household Garbage and Yard Debris Collection

  • Week of August 29 to Saturday September 4 marks the last week of two per week (Tuesday and Friday) household garbage collection for 2021. Beginning the week of 9-6-21 household garbage will be collected once per week.
  • Because of the Labor Day holiday, household garbage and yard debris schedule will be delayed one day. Household garbage will be collected on Wednesday 9-8-21 and yard debris on Thursday 9-9-21. Charleston County will collect recycle goods on Thursday 9-9-21 this week only.
  • During the week on 9-12-21 collections will return to Tuesday for household garbage and Wednesday for yard debris.   

Hohonu Project

  • The Town of Sullivan’s Island, along with other federal agencies and municipalities, is participating in a University of Hawaii project that studies and models tidal information.  It is anticipated that Hohonu will give governments access to unprecedented insights on tides, floods and Sea Level Rise.  With a better understanding of water levels it is possible to determine better solutions for construction, setbacks, stormwater and other such matters.  If you are interested in following any of the monitoring stations locally or around the nation, visit to create an account and log into the website. The monitoring station for Sullivan’s Island is located at the Volunteer Fire Department boat landing near Station 9 Street.

Town Construction Projects

  • The Wastewater Treatment Plant and Wastewater Lift Station projects are nearing completion while the Fire Station and Storage Building projects are just now getting underway. If you have an interest in learning specific details about any of these projects contact Greg Gress, Manager Water and Sewer or Andy Benke, Town Administrator at

Town Meetings for September 2021

  • Town Council Workshop: Tuesday 9-7-21 6pm at 2056 Middle Street. Note this meeting generally occurs on the first Monday of each month but was adjusted for the Labor Day Holiday.
  • Planning Commission: Wednesday 9-8-21 6pm at 2056 Middle Street
  • Board of Zoning Appeals: Thursday 9-9-21 6pm at 2056 Middle Street
  • Design Review Board: Wednesday 9-15-21 6pm at 2056 Middle Street
  • Town Council: Tuesday  9-21-21 6pm at 2056 Middle Street

In the spirit of Samuel Gompers and George Meany, wishing everyone all the best for a happy and safe Labor Day Weekend.

Andy Benke
Town Administrator
Town of Sullivan's Island