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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

A Summer Message from the Town Administrator

Mon, 06/21/2021

Andy Benke

Good morning Island residents,

Below are a few brief albeit important items to note from Town Hall just ahead of the official first day of summer.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

Carolina Day 2021

  • You are cordially invited to join the Battery Gadsden Cultural Center and the Town of Sullivan’s Island on Saturday June 26, 2021 at 9:00 am in the Town Hall Plaza under the flagpole to commemorate the 245th anniversary of the Battle of Sullivan’s Island. The event program is attached. During this battle, Colonels Moultrie and Thomson defended the harbor and Island against an assault launched by Sir Peter Parker and General Henry Clinton. The British defeat and retreat represents one of the first American victories of the Revolutionary War. Please take a few moments on June 26th learn more about the Island’s role in the Revolution, hear comments from invited speakers and witness the presentation and raising of the Moultrie Flag.


SC703 Causeway Construction

Subsurface construction of the Charleston Water System/Mt. Pleasant Waterworks waterline continues on the Mt. Pleasant side of the causeway in the general area of Toler’s Cove. The contractor installing the waterline to Mt. Pleasant across the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and South Carolina 703 has released plans for work next week which will result in lane restrictions between the hours of 9am and 3pm. Beginning Monday June 21 through Wednesday June 23, residents should expect delays to and from Sullivan’s Island via SC703. Please plan your trips with this delay in mind.

Specifics of the work schedule are as follows: 

  • June 21, 2021, Monday – Shoulder work with possible lane restriction and flagmen between the hours of 9am to 3pm
  • June 22, 2021, Tuesday – Pavement work and sub-soil excavation; lane restriction and flagmen between the hours of 9am to 3pm
  • June 23, 2021, Wednesday – Potential day needed to complete resurface and clean up; possible lane restriction and flagmen between the hours of 9am to 3pm

Hurricane Plan

Although Sunday June 20 marks the official start of summer, we will already be 20 days into hurricane season. The hurricane experts are expecting a busy season again this year as NOAA has forecasted 13 to 20 named storms of which 6 to 10 could become hurricanes including 3 to 5 major hurricanes at category 3 or above. NOAA provides these estimates with 70% confidence at this time. It is important to prepare or update your hurricane plan now. The Town website and Charleston County’s website both provide useful guidelines and information to assist in the preparation of your plan.

Tropical Cyclone Three that originated in the Gulf of Campeche this week is expected to come ashore in the general area of Alabama – Louisiana early this weekend with a wind force of 45mph or less.  As the system tracks over the southeastern United States, NOAA expects that much of South Carolina will experience heavy rainfall early next week but the wind force should be de minimis.  Stay tuned to your local weather forecast for the latest on area rain events.  

Town Council Meetings

With COVID restrictions relaxed, Sullivan’s Island Town Council has returned to in-person meetings.  It is also possible to observe the meetings by live stream or watch the recorded meeting at a later date.  However, the Zoom format has been discontinued. As a reminder, Town Council Workshops are held on the first Monday of every month (excepting holidays) and Town Council meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month.  Both meetings commence at 6:00 pm. A full schedule of all Town meetings is available on the website

Household Garbage Collection

As a reminder, household garbage is collected twice each week on Tuesday and Friday until just after Labor Day. Carts should be street-side before 7:00 am on those days with the handle facing your house and the cart opening facing the street. There should be a six (6) foot clearance on each side of the cart.  Yard debris is collected every Wednesday. Residents are reminded that leaves and other loose material should be in paper bags. Limbs should not be greater than four (4) feet in length or have a diameter greater than four (4) inches. Please coordinate collection of special items such as white goods, furniture and the like with Jacky Gypin at 843-883-5743 or Remember that electronics, petroleum products, paint, construction debris and similar products are not collected.  Likewise, all contractors working on private property are responsible for the removal of their waste.

Right of Way Obstruction

The South Carolina Department of Transportation owns the majority of the roads and rights of way on the Island.  By and large the public is permitted to park where designated by signs with all wheels off of the pavement. Residents are reminded not to block or obstruct the designated public parking areas. The SCDOT or Town will be required and dispose of any material used to obstruct parking.

Ditches and stormwater collection infrastructure are located in the SCDOT rights of way and are owned by the state.  If you have an obstruction in your ditch that prohibits the flow of stormwater be sure to report the matter. At the Department of Transportation website homepage you will note a tab at the bottom right hand corner of the page titled “ Maintenance Work Request”. After completing the free form fields and drop down menu choices, a work order is issued. Likewise, if you report the matter by email to Town Hall a similar work request will be sent by the Town.

Charleston County Consolidated Dispatch

Sullivan’s Island First Responders are standing by at the ready to assist residents and visitors. In many instances, additional personnel are on duty to meet the needs of the busy summer days. Police and Fire personnel are dispatched through the Charleston County Consolidated Dispatch Service.  In the event of an emergency, for assistance always dial 9-1-1. The call taker will ask you a long series of questions but be assured the first responders are dispatched immediately.  For non-emergency assistance from Police or Fire dial 843-743-7200.

Wishing everyone a great start to the summer and Happy Father’s Day.


Andy Benke

Town Administrator
Town of Sullivan's Island
Post Office Box 427
Sullivan's Island, SC  29482
Direct Telephone: 843-883-5726
Facsimile: 843-883-3009
Emergency: 9-1-1
Police and Fire Dispatcher: 843-743-7200
Email address:
Web address: