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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

Mayor's Greeting- November 2024

Fri, 11/08/2024

Mayor Pat O'NeilDear Island Neighbors,

As I have previously expressed, I frequently catch myself taking the Island for granted in the course of day-to-day activities and responsibilities.
So I always find it healthy to remind myself of the abundant blessings we enjoy here: a wonderful small-town place with great neighbors; tremendous natural resources all around us with an amazing array of flora and fauna; a fascinating history that predates the founding of the country, with lots of historic resources all around us. What’s not to like?
As I reflect on life here, I remain very thankful for the size of our BIGGEST problems!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


The 4th Annual SIPD Christmas Bike Drive benefitting Toys for Tots begins Friday, November 1, 2024, and will run through Sunday, December 15, 2024. The big delivery event will be on Monday, December 16, 2024. Last year, thanks to our wonderful donors, we exceeded our goal of 300 bikes. 
Says Chief of Police Glenn Meadows, “This year, we are kindly asking that bike donations only include new bikes that have coaster-style brakes, and not hand brakes on the handlebars. Last year, we found that these were very time consuming and sometimes difficult to build. We're often asked what bikes are needed, and donors can't go wrong with kids’ bikes of all sizes and smaller beach cruisers. As always, new helmets are also appreciated.”
Bikes and helmets can be dropped off at the Sullivan's Island Town Hall or shipped directly to the police department at 2056 Middle Street, Sullivan's Island, SC 29482. Please reach out directly to Chief Meadows for more information, or to drop off bikes after hours. His email is, and his cell phone is 843-834-4298.

Well, the rumor mill continues to grind on, and its latest grist is our “debt”.
I’m sure you know that carrying (and paying off) bonded debt is not the same as running a deficit. Like virtually all municipalities and other governmental entities, we have issued bonds to allow us to pay for important capital projects in current dollars while repaying the bonds with future dollars...otherwise there would be huge sticker-shock issues with tax increases, or critical system failures due to not being able to get those increases.
This is a responsible and accepted approach to local government funding of large projects. As an example, per S&P Global, in the US, an estimated 10 -13 BILLION dollars of municipal bonds were scheduled to be issued each WEEK in October.
In 2018 and 2020, the Town had two issues of Installment Purchase Revenue Bonds for a total of roughly $40 million, with a current balance owed of about $38 million. Please note: We obtained interest rates of 2.44% and 1.75% for these 25-30 year payback bonds, due in no small part to our outstanding credit ratings.
How’d you like to get some money at those rates today?

Where did those funds go? The bulk of them went to construction of our new sewerage treatment plant (about $16 million), overdue upgrades to our sewer plant and collection system (mains and lift stations; about $8 million), fire station rebuild and storage/maintenance building (about $11 million), and other capital projects (about $2.5 million). The remaining funds will be allocated to appropriate capital projects.

We have two more open houses this year to allow you a chance to learn about and comment on some long-standing initiatives by the Town:
Tuesday, November 19th
Historic Design Guidelines with Thomason & Associates and Stith Park Masterplan with Thomas & Hutton
Monday, December 2nd

Resilience Plan with Weston & Sampson, McCormick Taylor, & Elko Coastal Consulting

One of our most-anticipated annual events is our December gathering when we turn on the phenomenal holiday lights at the fire station and Stith Park, with seasonal music by the award-winning Wando High School Chorus, a “Special Guest”, and FIREWORKS!!! Please come out on Friday December 6 at 5:00 for the beginning of this year’s event. This is great family fun and an opportunity to visit with neighbors, whether or not they are sporting uhhh, colorful?, sweaters.
We are fortunate to have the wonderful voices of the Wando Chorus perform for us again. To try for better acoustics, this year the Chorus will be performing in front of the fire station bay doors.

Please remember that Middle Street will be blocked off adjacent to the park and fire station.
See you there!

We continue to encourage folks to sign up for “TOSI Talks”, our public outreach platform for non-emergency messages. Just text “Hello” to (855) 675-8674. You  can stay up-to-date on Town news, meeting dates and emergency preparedness tips.
See you around the Island!

Pat O’Neil
843 670 9266