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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

Mayor's Message- January 2025

Mon, 01/13/2025

Mayor Pat O'NeilDear Island Neighbors,

I hope you and your families had a fine Christmas and holiday season and are on your way to a healthy, happy and safe 2025. 

With luck, those New Year’s resolutions are still alive and well, but if not, you can always add one more to the bottom of the list: If any of the ones above have been broken or bent, that is no excuse to drop them, just get back on track. Or, if need be, find the track.

The annual New Year’s Day Polar Plunge was again very well-attended by a large and motley and well-behaved crowd. The water was cold but it’s been a lot worse in some past years (uhh, it is a January 1 event), and the ambient temperature was enough above the water temp to allow for pleasant après-plunge hanging around.

As always, this was no holiday for our Fire, Police and Public Works staff and our Fire and Rescue volunteers, who made sure everyone stayed safe. Please remember to thank them when you get a chance. 

Recalling that this is also a fundraiser for the SC Special Olympics, it’s not too late to make a donation. You can go to

On September 14th, there was a very serious motorcycle vs car crash on Jasper Boulevard. Upon the initial response of Police and the Fire Dept, the motorcyclist was conscious but in critical condition. While awaiting the arrival of EMS he went into cardiac arrest. The Fire Department personnel immediately initiated CPR. The motorcyclist was revived and was transported to MUSC.

Fortunately, the motorcyclist, Army Lt. Abner Martinez, ultimately recovered and was released from the hospital. In a remarkable display of gratitude, he reached out to Division Chief Carl Fehr of the Charleston County EMS to request a time to meet with all the first responders involved with saving his life.  

Chief Fehr arranged for a ceremony to recognize those involved on December 20th in the Charleston County Council Chambers. Present to meet Lt. Martinez and his wife and daughter were a number of our fine first responders who assisted the victim. There were six members of our Sullivan’s Island Fire Department (Assistant Chief Amanda Hawver, Capt. Adam Ivan, Firefighter Paul Sottile, Firefighter Marc Micalizzi, Firefighter Lee Pearson and Volunteer Jeff Woodard) and four members of the Police Department (Deputy Chief Monty Anders, Sgt. Chris Wallace, Sgt. Elias Shaffer and PFC Tyler Mahon). 

Importantly, the County EMS responders and the 911 dispatchers who handled the calls were also present and recognized. This was an opportunity to highlight the great interagency cooperation that Charleston County citizens enjoy every day to protect their safety. It is rare to have a chance to see all the individuals whose efforts are all critical to saving an individual’s life. Thanks to EMS Division Chief Fehrs for organizing this event.

Please see the Live5 News report of this heartwarming event at

Business license renewals were mailed to all active account holders on January 6th. Town staff will start accepting applications beginning February 1st. Renewals are due April 30th. Beginning May 1st there will be a 5% penalty fee added to your account for each month you are late.

It’s also time for the pooches to renew their licenses...or for their humans to do it on their behalf. The new license year began on January 1. You can get info here: 

You may have noticed the activity on the beach at and near Breach Inlet. This project by the Army Corps of Engineers was designed to bring well over 700,000 cubic yards of sand and related material (formerly dredged from the Intracoastal Waterway) to the Sullivan’s Island and Isle of Palms shores around Breach Inlet. They started with Sullivan’s Island and we will have received roughly 250,000 cubic yards before the contractor moves operations across the Inlet to IOP, hopefully around the end of the month.  

The Corps project entails pumping this material nearly three miles from spoil sites across the Waterway, and discharging it generally near the tide line. The Town has retained our own contractor to move much of it upward (landward) from there to further enhance the beach. That work will continue for a short while after the Corps project. 

Our contractor will also move a very small portion of this material to Station 12 to shore up (sic) the eroding beach at Fort Moultrie. Some of that material will be expected to migrate down along the beach (toward the harbor end of the Island) through natural processes. 

Finally, our contractor is moving about 50,000 cubic yards at the Inlet farther landward at Thompson Park, as a stockpile for future use. 

See you around the Island!


Pat O’Neil
843 670 9266