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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project.

Floppin Flounder 5K, June 8, 2024

Wed, 05/29/2024

Floppin Flounder


Sullivan's Island Fire Department Fish Fry Shack
1424 Hennessy street
Sullivan's Island, SC 29482


Floppin’ Flounder 5K Run and Walk is one of Charleston’s favorite races. Presented by the Charleston Running Club (CRC) with help from the Sullivan’s Island Fire & Rescue Dept., this race has had a loyal following for over 25 years. We offer a 5K Run, Walk and a virtual option for those who cannot attend. All participants get a race t-shirt, finishers medal.  The first 600 runners to pick up packets will also get a Floppin' Flounder beach towel! 

Proceeds from Floppin’ Flounder benefit the Sullivan’s Island Fire & Rescue Dept., CRC, and the Charleston Animal Society

Age group and award breakdown

  • Top 3 overall male and female
  • First Master (40 years and older) male and female
  • First Grandmaster (50 years and older) male and female
  • First Great Grandmaster (60 years and older) male and female
  • Top 3 in the following age groups ( age 1-10, 11-14 and under,15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85 and over. )

In addition, we present the Peyton Moore award to the fastest boy and girl under age 12. This award is in memory of one of CRC’s youngest and most enthusiastic members, Peyton Moore, who passed away on June 4, 2013. Learn more about Peyton

This event takes place rain or shine. It will be hot, so please hydrate!

Race Course


  • START: Start is on Middle Street, 5 ft west of power pole # 412967 near the intersection with Hennessy Street.
  • Course to Mile 1: Proceed Northwest from start on Middle Street to the intersection of Middle St & Oceola St, Stay on Middle St at intersection and proceed (Northwest) to Station 9 St. Turn Right  (Northeast) on Station 9 St and proceed to Osceola St, Turn Right on Ocella St ( Mile 1 is on Oceola St.) and proceed Southeast to intersection of Middle St. and Oceola St, Take slight left onto Middles St.
  • Course to Mile 2: On Middle St head East to the intersection of Middle St and Central Ave., Bear left onto Central Ave ( Mile 2 is on Central Ave ), continue East on Central Ave to Station 20 ½ St, Turn Right ( South ) on 20 ½ St and proceed to Middle St.
  • Course to Mile 3 & Finish Line:        Turn right (Northwest) on Middle St, Stay on Middle St (West) to Station 15 St ( Mile 3 is on Middle St. ), Pass 15 St then turn left onto Hennessy St to Finish Line.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Packet Pick Up will be:

Thursday, June 6, 2024, 11 AM - 6 PM
Fleet Feet Mount Pleasant (881 Houston Northcutt Blvd., Mt. Pleasant)
The first 600 runners who pick up their packets will get Floppin Flounder beach towels.
Someone else CAN pick up your packet for you.

Saturday, June 8, 2024, 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM
Sullivan's Island Fish Fry Shack (1459 Hennessy St. Sullivan's Island)

Packet pick up will close at 7:30 AM on race morning, as the run/walk begins at 8 AM.