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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates
Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information.
Dear Island Neighbors,
At our last Town Council meeting, Council voted unanimously to appoint Glenn Meadows as our new Police Chief. Glenn joined the Town in 2021 and for the last year had served as Deputy Chief.
Chief Meadows has had an extensive career in law enforcement and security. He retired as a Sergeant from the Newport News, Virginia Police Department after 25 years of service. He then worked for about 15 years in the private sector for companies providing security and law enforcement training for the US Defense and State Departments in various overseas deployments in critical locations such as Iraq and Afghanistan.
Since joining our Department, Glenn has demonstrated his strong leadership skills in improving training and budgeting processes, strengthening Departmental policies and ensuring compliance with them, encouraging community policing, organizing our first Toys for Tots Bike Drives and Community Blood Drives, and improving public outreach.
To learn a little more about our new Chief, see this recent media interview with him here: https://bit.ly/ChiefMeadows
Say hello to Chief Meadows when you see him around. In fact, say hi to all of our officers when you get a chance. It means more to them than you might think!
Our beach is one of the very, very few (read: almost no others) on which you can have a fire. Nearly all other SC beach towns have eliminated the practice over the years. As a result, LOTS of people apply for beach fire permits here.
In 2023 we issued 346 beach fire permits. This requires much more of Town resources than you might assume. In addition to booking the fees and deposits (and returning the deposits after the fire, contingent on cleanup rules having been followed), our public safety folks have to check on the fires when they are happening and then evaluate the fire sites the next morning. Someone has to clean up after any people who have not done so. And of course when the State issues a Red Flag alert for outdoor fires in our area, people with permits have to be contacted before their fire date.
This matter has been studied and discussed by the Public Safety Committee and Town staff, with input from a number of citizens. At our last Council meeting we approved the following revised beach fire regulations recommended by staff:
These regulations will not begin until the next beach fire season, i.e., October 1 of this year. Once they take effect, we will monitor how the new program is working so that we can determine whether changes need to be made at some point.
Jessi Gress, our Business Licensing and Permit Technician, reminds us that business licenses are due by April 30, after which a 5% per month penalty fee is added. Don’t put it off!
On the Island named for O’Sullivan, you might expect a bit of celebration on St. Patrick’s Day...or this year, the day before St. Patrick’s Day. On Saturday, March 16, there’ll be the usual festivities in the commercial district. During the day, several restaurants will be offering food and beverages outside, and Station 22 ½ between Middle and I’On will be closed to traffic so people can hang out there. Please exercise caution when driving through the commercial district.
And remember: A shamrock has THREE petals. The four-leaf clover (like on the cereal box) might bring you good luck, but it’s not an Irish thing!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day and see you around the Island!
Pat O’Neil
843 670 9266
Twitter: @oneilpm1