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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft Approved by Council March 18, 2025


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

A Message from the Administrator- Coyotes on Sullivan's Island

Tue, 08/29/2023

Andy Benke

Greetings Island residents,

There has been an increased number of reported sightings, encounters, and incidents with coyotes on the Island this month. In fact, in August several dogs were attacked by coyotes and one small dog was taken by a coyote. You may review the press release sent to the local media outlets today by clicking here.

The Town intensified its trapping effort last week particularly in the area where the small dog went missing. The traps used are referred to soft leg hold traps and should not harm a pet. However, in that regard, you should keep you dog leashed until reaching the beach. It is important that if you see, encounter, or have an incident with a coyote that you report the information to the Police Department by calling 843-743-7200. Request that the dispatcher have an officer contact so you can provide the coyote information.

Coyotes exist in every county in South Carolina as well as in 49 of the 50 states. The peak in reported coyote complaints often occurs in mid-summer and fall as young coyotes disperse from their home ranges and establish new territories. Coyotes are most active at night and in early morning hours during the hot summer weather. They are opportunistic feeders, preying upon rabbits, rodents, and other small mammals, supporting their diet with berries, insects and carrion. On occasion, coyotes will prey on domestic pets. Pet predation is usually due to the territorial nature of the coyote and lack of an alternative prey base in suburban areas. Coyotes are very adaptable and can do well in urban areas. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources has indicated that recent research has demonstrated that coyotes are compensatory breeders, meaning that they increase reproduction and immigration in response to human-induced killing of coyotes. 

There are a number of things you can do to assure your safety such as keep you pet leashed until reaching the beach, do not leave your pet unattended, exercise caution at night, in the early morning after sunrise and just before sunset, hazing keeps coyotes afraid of humans, reduce any possible source of food around your home, and secure you household garbage. Likewise, visit our Wildlife & Coyote page or DNR for more coyote information.

The Town takes the threat of coyotes very seriously. Staff, heretofore and moving forward, will coordinate issues and concerns regarding coyotes with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources to assure the safety of Island residents and visitors.


Andy Benke
Town Administrator
Town of Sullivan's Island
Post Office Box 427
Sullivan's Island, SC  29482
Direct Telephone: 843-883-5726
Facsimile: 843-883-3009
Emergency: 9-1-1
Police and Fire Dispatcher: 843-743-7200
Email address: