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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

A Message from the Administrator- March 2023 Pt. 2

Tue, 03/07/2023

Town Administrator Andy Benke

Good afternoon Island residents,

Please excuse the second message in such a short time span but I felt a few items were worth repeating.

Narcan Training
The Sullivan’s Island Police Department has partnered with Wake Up Carolina to offer the public a training session for overdose prevention Tuesday March 7, 2023 between 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at Town Hall.  In this training, you will learn how to recognize the signs of an overdose, the steps to administering Narcan nasal spray and how to save a life in the event of an overdose. Participants who complete the training will receive a free overdose prevention kit containing two Narcan nasal sprays.

This training is recommended for anyone at risk of an opioid overdose, friends or family of someone at risk, healthcare providers, social services providers, law enforcement and emergency response providers.

The training is free of charge, but you are asked to RSVP so that staff can plan accordingly.  Narcan kits will be available post-training at Town Hall. If you would like more information on  this training or any other programs please email or call 843-972-8154. RSVP for the Sullivan’s Island training at

Street Sweeper
 In addition to pollen, oak leaves are beginning to drop as spring arrives.  The leaves that are not raked and bagged often find their way into the stormwater collection system. In an effort to keep the stormwater infrastructure free and clear of debris, the Town will have a street-sweeper on the Island Tuesday March 7, 2023 beginning at 7am to clean those streets with a sidewalk and gutter. If possible, please move your vehicle off of the below listed streets by 7:00 am:

  • Jasper Boulevard (east and westbound lanes) from Station 22.5 to Station 30 Streets
  • Middle Street (east and westbound lanes) from Station 12 to Station 28.5 Streets

2023 Sullivans Island Elementary Auction
Every year the Sullivans Island Elementary school holds an auction to raise money for teachers and programs the district does not fund such as Spanish teacher, Art teacher, faculty supplies, playground equipment and much more. This year’s event is March 11th at the Citadel Beach Club and includes a silent and live auction. 

From the link below you can simply donate if you wish, buy tickets for the event or if you wish to participate from home online bidding will open up Monday.  The Elementary School on our island is an integral part of our island’s culture and we all benefit from having such an amazing public school on the island. However, we rely on our community of parents, residents and local businesses to make our school what it is. We hope to see you there!

In the event you have any questions about information contained in this message please feel free to contact me.


Andy Benke
Town Administrator
Town of Sullivan's Island
Post Office Box 427
Sullivan's Island, SC  29482
Direct Telephone: 843-883-5726
Facsimile: 843-883-3009
Emergency: 9-1-1
Police and Fire Dispatcher: 843-743-7200
Email address:
Web address: