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Mayor's Greeting- October 2022

Fri, 10/07/2022

Mayor Pat O'Neil

Dear Island neighbors,

Phew! I’m still breathing a sigh of relief after our close brush with Ian. The change of track gave us northwest winds which staved off the tidal surge. Otherwise we could have had major tidal flooding.

But let’s don’t let this lull us into an unhealthy sense of complacency when future storms impend. The main conclusion we should draw from our experience with Ian is that we could very easily have suffered severe damage and we might not be so lucky next time.

Of course, our good fortune was at the expense of our neighbors further up the coast, who got what we might otherwise have received. These things often tend to be zero sum situations. Please do what you can to assist the folks in FL and SC who fared much less well!

Our Town staff performed admirably before, during and after the storm. They are well-practiced in preparing the Island for approaching storms and worked long and hard to do so. Many of our staff had to work during the storm to keep us safe, which meant they had to leave their own families and homes, and continued to put in extra efforts in the immediate aftermath. Be sure to thank our Police, Fire and Public Works staff and administrative leaders when you see them. A special shoutout goes to Town Administrator Andy Benke who kept residents well-informed throughout the event with his email updates.

Our great Fire Department folks (professional and volunteer firefighters) are now about to move into their refurbished and expanded Fire Station, after a long sojourn in temporary quarters at the Fish Fry Shack. Hurricane Ian gave us an unscheduled stress test of the new digs, so when we move in we’ll have good data on the new facility’s resilience.

We’ve got some very fit folks protecting us in the Fire and Rescue group! On September 11, our Assistant Fire Chief Mandy Hawver completed her annual 9/11 out and back walk of the Ravenel Bridge in full “bunker gear” (those suits firefighters wear when going into a fire, and which weigh about 90 pounds). She was joined by Town employees Becky Williams and Andy Williams. And the next weekend Mandy and Becky along with employees (and Fire and Rescue volunteers) Pam Otto and Bridget Welch did the Travis Manion Heroes 9/11 5K, after which they had to report immediately to fight a very serious house fire!

And recently one of our new volunteers, Windsor Anderson, received her FF II certification at the SC Fire Academy. This required eight weeks of full-time classes at the Academy in Columbia. Congratulations, Windsor, and thanks!

And this is a good time to repeat some valuable Halloween safety tips from Chief of Police Chris Griffin:

  • Travel together: Avoid letting children walk alone. Always walk in large groups with a responsible adult or teenager.
  • See and be seen: Give children a flashlight or glow stick to hold while trick-or-treating to help them see, and to help others see them while they make their rounds. Fasten reflective tape to costumes and treat bags.
  • Walk smart: Walk on sidewalks when available, or on the far edge of the road facing traffic to stay safe.
  • Safe treats: Tell children not to eat anything before you inspect it.
  • Choking hazards: If you have very young children, be sure to remove any choking hazards such as gum, peanuts, hard candies, or small toys.

See you around the Island!

Pat O’Neil
843 670 9266
Twitter: @oneilpm1