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Sign up for Everbridge, the Town’s Emergency Notification System, to receive emergency texts and emails, and the Town's Monthly Newsletter to stay up to date on all of Town's meetings, projects and special events. 


Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

Hurricane Fiona- Message #1

Fri, 09/16/2022

Good morning Island residents,

Generally speaking it appears that there is agreement among the models that Hurricane Fiona will turn north-northwest on Tuesday and eventually north on Wednesday.  The storm should be well offshore of us Wednesday evening.  Nevertheless, be alerted that Sullivan’s Island could feel the effect of Hurricane Fiona in the form of mild wind from the northeast, increased ocean swells and modest rip currents.  You are encouraged to monitor local media outlets for updated storm track information.

As of 8am/1200 UTC:

  • Hurricane Fiona is located at 18.8N/69.0W or 35 miles southeast of the Dominican Republic
  • Maximum sustained winds are 90 mph
  • Present movement to the NW or 310 degrees at 8mph
  • Minimum central pressure is at 977mb/28.85 inches

As a general rule please note the following:

  1. Town Staff will closely monitor the storm track.
  2. National Hurricane Center storm track and wind force timeline can be viewed here. 
  3. By Tuesday morning waves and rip current will increase; use caution when entering the ocean.
  4. Should you lose power or see a downed power line contact Dominion Energy at 1-888-333-4465. Never approach a downed power line at it or the ground around it could be energized.
  5. At this time the Town will remain on normal operating hours but will continue to monitor the storm.  In the event of an emergency always dial 9-1-1; for Police, Fire or Water and Sewer non-emergency call the consolidated dispatch at 843-743-7200.
  6. Bridges will remain open to watercraft and motor vehicles.  The High Wind Bridge Procedures are attached for future reference.
  7. Wind, currents and swells are expected to increase locally by Tuesday morning. Use care while surfing and check the dock lines on your boat.  
  8. At this time there are no anticipated changes to household garbage, yard debris or recycle collection. In the event inclement weather necessitates a collection change, the Town will promptly send resident notifications.

Hopefully everything you need is addressed above but do not hesitate to respond to this message if you have any questions.


Andy Benke
Town Administrator