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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

Tropical Storm Elsa- Message Two

Tue, 07/06/2021

TS Elsa Header

At 8am this morning the National Hurricane Center Miami reported Tropical Storm Elsa is approximately 55 miles west of Key West, Florida. The storm is showing modest signs of strengthening during the next few hours. A hurricane watch and storm surge watch are in effect for the western side of the Florida coast. The north-northwest track is expected to continue through today before turning more northerly this evening. Landfall, potentially as a hurricane,  is expected Wednesday morning.  Thereafter a northeasterly track through Georgia and the coastal Carolinas is expected for late Wednesday and Thursday.  

Highlights of the NHC/Miami 8am observation report to note:

  • Location 24.5N/82.6W – 55 nautical miles west of Key West Florida or 504 nautical miles south southwest of Sullivan’s Island
  • Maximum sustained winds at 60mph
  • Central barometric pressure 29.74 inches and is expected to fall later today
  • Present movement at 340 degrees (north northwest) at 12 mph; turning north this evening and turning northeasterly on Wednesday

At this time the forecast indicates the Lowcountry of South Carolina is expected to receive between 2 to 4 inches of rain driven by tropical depression winds with potential for tropical storm wind speeds. For Thursday 7-8-21, the tide chart predicts a 4.4 foot tide on flood slack water at 7:40am and a 5.7 foot tide on flood slack water at 8:03pm. With the heavy rain, shallow flooding and standing water on the roads are expected.  Winds during a tropical depression can be sustained at 38 mph while wind gusts during a tropical storm can be sustained at 73 mph.

As a resident what you need to know and do at this time:

  • Continue to monitor local media outlets for the latest storm developments
  • Secure any outside items such as lawn furniture, plants, etc. that can become projectiles as the wind force increases
  • If your watercraft remains alongside check your dock lines and bilge pump
  • If your home is prone to flooding, move items off of the floor space
  • If you lose power to your home contact Dominion Energy at 1-888-333-4465
  • At this time there are no plans to activate the Municipal Emergency Operations Center but first responders will be standing by at the ready to assist residents
  • For emergency dial 9-1-1; for Police, Fire or Water and Sewer non-emergency dial 843-743-7200

Reverting with details as the storm progresses.

Andy Benke
Town Administrator