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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates
Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information.
Mount Pleasant Waterworks has announced a lane closure and traffic pattern change on Ben Sawyer Boulevard for Tuesday, May 25, 2021. The closure will start prior to the morning commute and take place along a 1-mile section of the roadway near the entrance of Toler’s Cove. The closure is necessary to accommodate an increase in construction activity as the approximately 5,200 linear foot, 18-inch steel water main is pulled below the Intracoastal Waterway as part of the joint utility project with Charleston Water System. The pipe pullback operation is expected to take approximately 24 hours to complete.
Motorist, bicyclists, and pedestrians travelling in the area during this time are asked to comply with flagging operations and to be aware of equipment and crews. Access to the multi-use path in Mt. Pleasant along the Ben Sawyer Boulevard causeway will be strictly prohibited during the hours of the pipe pullback operation. The multi-use path closure is critical to the safety of the public as the project reaches completion.
Please expect delays next Tuesday and plan your trips on and off of the Island accordingly.