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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates
Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information.
A Special Meeting will be held on September 10 such that Town Council may enter Executive Session for the purpose of entering mediation to attempt to reach a settlement in the Bluestein v. Sullivan’s Island lawsuit.
Council cannot and will not take any official action in Executive Session, but will possibly attempt to reach a proposed settlement term sheet to be presented to Town Council in Open Session for consideration.
Following the conclusion of mediation, Council will return to Open Session. If a proposed settlement term sheet exists Council may, in Open Session, choose to entertain discussion and a motion regarding preferred next steps. This could include an immediate vote on the term sheet, or an agreed upon procedure for possible follow-up work and a schedule to bring the term sheet back in front of Council for a vote.
The timing for Council action on a proposed settlement term sheet may be one of the items to be discussed in mediation, so further specificity regarding process is unavailable until the conclusion of Executive Session on September 10. Therefore, all interested parties are encouraged to remotely attend Open Session on September 10 following the conclusion of Executive Session for more information. Council recognizes that it could be desirable to take action at a separately convened meeting shortly after conclusion of mediation and accordingly will be scheduling an open session Special Council Meeting for the morning of Monday, September 14th in the event that such a meeting might be appropriate.
The Town will publish its standard notices for these events.