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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

Memorial Day message from Sullivan's Island Town Hall

Fri, 05/22/2020

Memorial Day Cover Picture (PIC)

Good morning Island residents,

Moving into the first holiday of the summer season, I wanted to pass along a few bits of information that you might find helpful.

COVID-19 Pandemic

Town Council and staff remain ever vigilant with regard to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Data for Charleston County received from DHEC this past Wednesday indicates a total of  515 confirmed infections (up 24 from the previous week) and 15 fatalities to date.

With warm weather upon us and in an effort to control a spike in confirmed infections, Town Council recently amended its ordinance to allow residents and non-residents the opportunity to enjoy the beach.  However in anticipation of large summer crowds during the holiday weekend, the ordinance amendment prohibits chairs, coolers and shade devices. Beach goers are allowed to sit on the beach with or without a towel; however, movement is highly recommended.  Required social distancing and group size stipulated by Governor McMaster’s Executive Order remain in effect. Enforcement will be present on the beach especially during the holiday weekend.

Garbage Collection Schedule

Beginning the first week of June, household garbage will be collected twice weekly on Tuesday and Friday.  The twice per week schedule will remain in effect through the first week of September. Please have your cart street-side by 6:30 am on the designated day. Carts should face the street with the handle facing inward to the property line. Should you have two carts, please separate them by three (3) feet.

Yard debris collection will remain on Wednesday. The vendor will collect limbs less than four (4”) inches in diameter and less than four (4 feet) in length. Town ordinance stipulates that yard maintenance contractors must remove their own debris.

The Charleston County Curbside Recycle Program remains every other Wednesday with the next service on June 3, 2020.

Sand Dunes Club Pool

Dominion Energy has advised that because of the COVID-19 Pandemic the Sand Dunes Club pool is not scheduled to open in the foreseeable future.

Hurricane Season

The 2020 Hurricane Season has already seen sub-tropical activity. Forecasters are predicting above normal activity in the South Atlantic region.  Now is a good time to begin preparing your family action plan for hurricane season. Visit the Town website to view helpful information under Emergency Preparedness page behind the Residents tab.

Charleston County Consolidated Dispatch

Residents are reminded that Sullivan’s Island Police and Fire Departments utilize the dispatch service established by Charleston County. In the event of any type of emergency always dial 9-1-1. Should you need non-emergency assistance from Police, Fire or Water and Sewer, observe suspicious activity or would like to report a matter please contact the appropriate department at 843-743-7200. The call taker will gather information through a Q&A protocol but an employee is dispatched almost immediately. Unless previously dispatched to a call, response time for Police or Fire is generally three (3) to five (5) minutes. Remember, no matter is trivial and you are always encouraged

Dog Ordinance

Summer hours for the dog ordinance are currently in effect through September 30.  Dogs are permitted on the beach off leash between 5am and 10am. Dogs are prohibited on the beach between 10am and 6pm; thereafter, dogs may return but should be leashed. Pet owners are required to clean up pet waste; bags are provided at each path. Dogs are prohibited from roaming in critical area nesting sites generally found landward of the dune. A Sullivan’s Island dog permit and rabies tag must be displayed at all times. Finally, the beach path is not considered part of the “beach” and dogs must be leashed on the path.

Enjoy a pleasant Sullivan’s Island weekend but please maintain proper social distancing and exercise caution in and around the ocean.

Best regards,
Andy Benke
Town Administrator