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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

COVID-19 Resident Message #2

Sun, 03/15/2020

Good evening Island residents,

This is the second message from Town Hall on the matter of COVID-19. PLEASE READ THIS MESSAGE IN ITS ENTIRETY AS NEW INFORMATION IS INCLUDED SINCE MESSAGE ONE. Other messages will follow as needed. 

The Town of Sullivan’s Island, in coordination with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC), the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Charleston County Emergency Management Division, Town of Mt. Pleasant and City of Isle of Palms, is closely monitoring a rapidly emerging outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and preparing for potential impacts.  Contingencies are in place to provide continued and uninterrupted public service should the virus spread in South Carolina.  Emergency first responders departments will remain fully staffed.

  • In the event of an emergency always dial 9-1-1
  • For non-emergency Police, Fire or Water and Sewer assistance contact the Charleston County Consolidated Dispatch at 843-743-7200

In a press conference today, Governor McMaster ordered the following:

  • Closure of all schools grades K5 through 12, colleges/universities and technical schools beginning Monday 3-16-20 through 3-31-20
  • Suggest restricting public gatherings to 100 or less
  • Cancellation of all local and municipal elections
  • Prohibited the disconnection of all public utilities for non-payment
  • Cancellation of all non-essential government travel
  • In conjunction with the declaration by Governor McMaster that South Carolina is in a state of emergency the Town of Sullivan’s Island will implement the following immediately:  
    • Meeting cancellations:
      • Town Council (March meeting) 3-16-20
      • Design Review Board (March meeting) 3-18-20  **Contact Joe Henderson by email for information about deadline to submit for April meeting**
      • Tree Commission (March meeting) 3-23-20  **Contact Joe Henderson by email for information about deadline to submit for April meeting**
      • Sullivan’s Island Municipal Court Jury Trials commencing 3-23-20 – to be determined by 3-16-20 12pm
      • Town Hall Closure – It is anticipated that the Sullivan’s Island Town Hall will close on Monday 3-16-20 at 5pm until Tuesday 3-31-20 or until further notice from the Office of Governor McMaster. 
    • Employees will be working remotely from home.  Specific employee contact information will be available on the Town website before close of business tomorrow.  Every effort will be made to accommodate residents remotely.
    • All emergency first responder departments will remain fully staffed. In the event of an emergency always dial 9-1-1; for non-emergency Police, Fire or Water and Sewer contact Charleston County Consolidated Dispatch at 843-743-7200
    • If you have in-person business with the Town kindly make every effort to visit the office before close of business Monday 3-16-20
  • Other cancellations or closures
    • Stith Park inclusive of the tennis/pickle ball courts, basketball court and all playground equipment will be closed to the public
    • The public bathrooms on the ground floor of Town Hall which service Stith Park will be closed to the public
    • The Citadel Street/Poe Avenue tennis/pickle ball courts and playground equipment will be closed to the public
    • The general public will not have access to the Fire Station, Police Station or Water and Sewer Administrative office after 5pm Monday 3-16-20
    • As of now household garbage is scheduled for Tuesday and yard debris for Wednesday as usual. However, this is subject to any closure at the Charleston County Bee’s Ferry Landfill site. Notice of any change will be provided.

As of 3pm today 263 tests have been administered by SC-DHEC for COVID-19 in South Carolina.  28 tests were returned positive and 235 tests were negative.  Governor McMaster reassured the public that there are adequate test kits available.  Moreover, the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston has been named a test site and should be processing by mid to end of this week. Please follow the CDC and/or DHEC links above for information on providing samples and testing.

Patients with COVID-19 have reported mild to severe respiratory illness.  Symptoms can include fever, cough and shortness of breath. There are now 28 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in South Carolina at this time.  Potential exposure could come if someone has been in close contact to a person known to have COVID-19, or if they have recently traveled to and from an area with widespread or ongoing community spread.  The CDC is urging individuals concerned about their exposure risk to COVID-19 to call their doctor.  Calling your healthcare provider first gives them the opportunity to triage patients and determine the best course of action, and could help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The CDC recommends taking the following preventive measures:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water, if hands are visibly dirty.

For more information including the latest updates on the virus in South Carolina, visit SCDEHC and CDC’s websites. PLEASE DO NOT CONSIDER SOCIAL MEDIA A LEGITIMATE SOURCE OF INFORMAITON.

Again to remind all, always dial 9-1-1 for emergency assistance. For non-emergency assistance, Police, Fire and Water and Sewer can be reached through Charleston County Consolidated Dispatch by calling 843-743-7200. Sullivan’s Island emergency responders will remain fully staffed throughout the term of the pandemic. 


Andy Benke
Town Administrator