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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates
Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information.
Warm thanks and words of appreciation to the Beach Services Officers that assisted Chief Griffin and the Police Department during the spring and summer of 2019. BSOs patrol the Island Sunday through Saturday enforcing parking and various other beach ordinances. In addition to law enforcement responsibilities, the officers often provided assistance to beach visitors and provided endless tidbits of information including items such as directions to Fort Sumter, what does a Portugese Man-O-War look like, and where can I park. Thankfully, Officer Sherrill will remain with the Town throughout the year, while most of the officers return to school in late August. Gentlemen, best wishes for a successful 2019/2020 school year. We look forward to having you back next summer!!
Pictured from left to right are Coleman Christy (Clemson University); Dunklin Yodice (University of South Carolina); Chief Chris Griffin; Judge Larry Duffy; Pam Otto, Clerk of Court; Dylan Benke (Clemson University); Daniel Russler (University of South Carolina); and, Officer Walter Sherrill. Missing from the photo are Gill Altman (Clemson University); Tim Taylor (Fairfield College); and, Tommy Verner (University of South Carolina).