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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates
Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information.
The first segment of a Sewer Main extension project for CCOD #2 is almost done with the exception of road paving. After meeting with engineer and contractor this morning, the second segment (Middle St Crossing) will begin Wednesday July 24, 2019. Due to the complexity of existing utilities in the intersection, necessary dewatering, the contractor now feels this will take 2 weeks (weather permitting) to get through the intersection. This will ultimately serve a portion of the commercial side lots in the CCOD #2 District.
Expect some moderate Traffic congestion in this area for the remainder of the project. During the anticipated two weeks it will take the contractor to cross Middle Street, there will be NO THROUGH TRAFFIC allowed along Middle Street crossing Station 20 ½. Detour signs will be posted. All through traffic will be detoured to Ion and back to Middle Street at Station 20 and 21. Only local traffic will be allowed on Middle St from Station 21 to 20 ½ (Barricade) and Station 20 to 20 ½ (Barricade). To visit the Post Office please utilize the parking lot in the rear off of Ion and walk around front. Business foot traffic to Sullivan’s, COOP, Almost Pink and Brown Glaws, please use parking lot areas off Ion and at the school then a walkway only along the NE side of Sullivan’s to access the front of these Businesses. Construction fencing will be on your right. To access The Jones Company, OD’s from these parking areas use the sidewalk along the Post Office side of Station 20 ½. Also limited local traffic only parking in front of these Businesses along Middle Street.
The project is funded by proceeds from the sale of town lots. The project is to be performed by R.H. Moore. Approximately 360’ of new sewer main and two Manholes will be installed along Station 20 ½ from the Fire Station across Middle Street to the post Office and a short stub out along Middle street for future extension. In addition to the installation of two new manholes and pipe, all roadway and driveway cuts will be restored per SCDOT specifications. Sewer service interruption is not expected. Email, Nixle, Calling Post and door hung notices (if necessary) will be used to provide residents and businesses with updates.
The Town will take measures to minimize resident inconvenience. Additionally, efforts will be made to keep residents informed of the work progress. Greg Gress will be the liaison between residents and the project. In this capacity, he will oversee the project, coordinate resident notification, and answer resident questions. His contact information is telephone 843-883-5748 office or 843-270-5717 cell or email at ggress@sullivansisland-sc.com. Site supervisor Britton Van Marel will oversee all activities of the construction crew. His contact information is cell telephone 843-901-1090 or bvanmarel@sullivansisland-sc.com.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to telephone the contacts listed above or Andy Benke Town Administrator telephone 843-883-5726 or by email at abenke@sullivansisland-sc.com.