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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Sign up for Everbridge, the Town’s Emergency Notification System, to receive emergency texts and emails, and the Town's Monthly Newsletter to stay up to date on all of Town's meetings, projects and special events. 


Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

Town Notification Sign-Ups

The Town of Sullivan's Island uses several different methods to contact residents in case of emergencies, to notify of town news and meetings and for general announcements.

Tosi Talks
TOSI Talks is a text based system that is used to notify people of town meetings and news like office closures and garbage and recycling schedule information. To sign up for TOSI talk alerts, text "Hello" to (855)675-8674.

Everbridge is the Town’s Emergency Notification System that sends email alerts from the Town Administrator, Fire or Police Chief or Water and Sewer Department that can include information concerning road closures, severe weather updates, emergency water main break, public works projects and other pertinent information. You can sign up for Everbridge notifications here.

Both systems require the client to set up an account and both have different options for the types of notifications you will receive. Please sign up for all possible alerts to ensure you receive all the news and messages.

The Town newsletter showcases varying stories from Sullivan's Island departments including updates on town projects, calendar of events, a letter from the mayor and news from the town naturalist. Sign up for the newsletter here.

Town News Alert Sign Ups