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Stormwater Master Plan- Final Draft by Seamon Whiteside Associates


Historic Design Guideline presentation postponed. Click here for more information. 


Breach Inlet has restricted access due to the current sand refurbishment project. Click here for the February 2025 update.  

Parks & Protected Areas

While Sullivan’s Island is well known for its pristine beaches, we are also proud to offer a variety of other outdoor escapes as well.

Stith ParkChild on SlideTot Park

J. Marshall Stith Park

Located at 2058 Middle St, the J. Marshall Stith Park is named for our own Marshall Stith who served as Mayor to the Town from June 1997 – June 2005. The park features a big toy park, a toddler park and a first come first serve covered picnic area. It also has 2 tennis courts, a tennis training wall, a soccer field and a basketball court. Centered in the park’s green space is the iconic gazebo.

Council has recently tasked Thomas and Hutton with exploring additional recreation concepts for the Stith Park Master Plan which could further enhance the Park experience.  Click here to review the full scope of the project. 

Poe Park 1Tennis CourtPoe Park 2

Poe Avenue Park

Located at Station 17 and Poe Ave this park features 2 tennis courts, a bottle filling station and contemporary play set for all children to explore. 

East Cooper Land TrustMarshall Blvd BeachfrontOld Pitt Street Bridge

Lowcountry Land Trust 

In addition to our 2 parks, Sullivan’s Island has partnered with the Lowcountry Land Trust to protect and preserve our natural spaces. Some of the protected spaces include the Old Dump at Station 19, Marshall Boulevard Beachfront and the Old Pitt Street Bridge Landing at Station 9.

SI Nature TrailStation 16 Dune Trail HeadStation 16 Beach Path

Sullivan’s Island Nature Trail

The Sullivan’s Island Nature Trail consists of 2 miles of paths leading through the maritime forest and connecting the Charleston Light to Fort Moultrie. Thanks in part to a collaborative effort between the Town, Charleston County’s Greenbelt Program, SC Parks, Trails, & Recreation and the Lowcountry Land Trust, the nature trail provides people with a rare opportunity to explore the many habitats of a maritime forest along the beautiful beachfront of Sullivan’s Island. For more information and to view the trail map, click here.


Thomson Park at Breach Inlet

Thomson Park is located right on the beach between Sullivan’s Island and Isle of Palms at Breach Inlet. Thomson Park is the site of an historic Revolutionary War Battle that saw the British Troops try to wade through the incoming tide from the Isle of Palms side, only to meet a watery end.  Swimming is not allowed in this area due to the incredibly strong currents and undertow. This is a very popular site for surf fishing and sunbathing as well as dolphin and porpoise sighting. Click here to read more about the Battle of Sullivan's Island. 
Breach InletDolphinsThompson Park